My Lifelong Pursuit is in focus

01.24.24 10:35 PM By gordon.ellison

Where my life has been headed for over 60 years

Discerning and Claiming Your True Identity: A Foundation for a Meaningful Life

In a world that often seeks to define and categorize us with labels we would not have chosen, claiming your true identity becomes an imperative process for personal growth and fulfillment. 

To embark on this journey of self-discovery, formulating a life mission statement serves as a major heading that anchors your goals and intentions. It clarifies your understanding of your life purpose, aligns your actions with your beliefs and values, and directs your path towards a life of authenticity and intentionality. 

For all of us, as we invest time focused on self-reflection, we uncover our unique qualities, passions, and aspirations, allowing us to forge a deep connection with our inner selves. By discerning and claiming our true identity, we acknowledge our worth and grow the confidence needed to pursue our dreams. 

Our life mission statement becomes the compass that guides us when faced with decisions, challenges and opportunities, reminding us of our authentic selves and ensuring that our actions are in alignment with our core values. 

By embracing our true identity and living in accordance with our life mission statement, we not only create a solid foundation for personal growth but also inspire others to embark on their own path of mission awareness and life purpose.

This is what is important to me

My name is Gordon. 


What follows is my understanding of the important things in life based on each of the letters of my name:

G - God my Lifesource. He is the One to whom I give my lifelong commitment and for whom I live my life. Philippians 2:20
God’s Spirit nurtures my spirit and prompts me to grow in a Godward direction.
Life is from Him – every breath I take.

O - Order
Design, Purpose, Organization, Priorities, Strategy. IMPACT.
Illustration: TV or stove out of order:  No-one will experience benefit when something is out of order.

Bringing something, or someone, into order requires a plan and is ensured through discipline and committed intentionality.

R - Real
Integrity, Trustworthiness, Honesty, Dependability, Character

D - Discipline
I have lived long enough to realize that I will never become all that God desires for me without personal discipline and self-control. Increasingly, this is an important character quality for me to realize in my life. Personal discipline enables the focus I desire for my life and channels the grace (energy and motivation) God provides. 

My attentive and proactive personal stewardship aligns opportunity with accomplishment.

Self control is the steady capacity to direct yourself
to accomplish what you have chosen or decided to do and be,
even though you don't feel like it.

Dallas Willard, Renovation of the Heart, p. 127

O - Others
I want to serve others well and move them toward God. 

Honor, esteem, encourage, build up and strengthen

N - Nurture
Personal, Marriage, Family, Friends, Church, Community

Living, Learning, Loving, and Leaving a Legacy

My lifelong commitment is to expand the Kingdom of God by investing my life in service to others.

I want my life and actions to consistently demonstrate to others my lifelong commitment to serving Jesus Christ and to obeying God's Word. I intend to live my life with integrity and to communicate my values and convictions in such a way as to lovingly and convincingly influence those in my circle of impact to live for God, to follow Jesus Christ and his teachings, and to serve others. 
